Kinesiology, Access Bars, PNF Stretching


Whether you're living with shoulder pain, recovering from an injury, managing an autoimmune condition, or facing complex emotions like anger and fear, kinesiology works on an energetic level to remove blockages, allowing your body to restore its natural healing balance.

Access Bars

This holistic modality focuses on alleviating anxiety and depression, guiding you back to your authentic self—free from burdens and traumas that may have distanced you from your true inner being. This gentle head-holding technique will help clear any electromagnetic blockages, and reset your mind from limiting beliefs and patterns.

PNF Assisted Stretching

This technique combines stretching with breathwork, offering a deep release both mentally and physically. It’s designed to improve your mobility and movement, and ease any tension, pain, or discomfort your body may be holding.

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology utilises muscle testing as a form of biofeedback to identify imbalances within the body’s energy system, activating the body’s intrinsic healing processes. It brings subconscious memories, traumas, and emotions to the conscious plane, releasing blockages that impact physical, mental and emotional well-being. 

How Kinesiology Can Help You:

  • Stress and Anxiety: Muscle testing uncovers the root causes of stress-related blockages. Techniques like acupressure, emotional stress release (ESR), tuning forks, and bush essences work in harmony to not only alleviate anxiety but also address the underlying issues, promoting deeper healing and lasting relief.
  • Physical Health: Kinesiology traces the root causes of physical pain and chronic conditions by detecting energy disruptions. Structural alignment, reflex point stimulation and acupressure may be used in your session to aid in the integrative healing process.
  • Emotional Well-being: Emotional blockages stored in the subconscious can be identified through age regression, revealing the age at which these issues may have originated. Techniques such as emotional release therapy, sound healing with tuning forks, and bush essences work to resolve these emotional patterns effectively.
  • Mental Clarity and Focus: Feeling mentally stuck, foggy, or indecisive? Kinesiology can restore clarity and focus through brain integration, neuro-lymphatic reflexes, and neuro-vascular reflexes, improving cognitive function so that your mind and thoughts are aligned with your heart and intuition, bringing you back to your centre.
  • Energy and Vitality: Energy imbalances affecting vitality are pinpointed, and techniques like meridian tapping, chakra balancing and energy realignment restore natural energy flow.


Whether you’re living with shoulder pain, recovering from an unhealed injury, managing an autoimmune condition, or facing complex emotions like anger and fear, kinesiology works to bring deep-rooted issues into conscious awareness, empowering individuals into effective integrative healing and overall well-being.


 What is Access Bars?

Access Bars is a holistic technique that involves gently holding 32 specific points on the head, referred to as “Bars,” to release accumulated electromagnetic energy linked to limiting patterns and beliefs. This practice often helps clients experience deep relaxation, mental clarity, and increased vitality, making it an effective tool for personal growth, well-being, and transformation,

 What is PNF Stretching?

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) assisted stretching is a technique designed to enhance flexibility and range of motion. By utilising the body’s neuromuscular responses, PNF stretching helps relax the targeted muscles, enabling deeper stretches. It’s frequently employed in rehabilitation, athletic training, and general flexibility routines.
Maya’s holistic approach integrates breathwork into the PNF stretching format, fostering a deeper release on both physical and mental levels. This combination allows individuals to not only improve their flexibility but also to cultivate a greater sense of relaxation and mindfulness during the process. The breathwork enhances awareness and connection to the body, making the stretching experience more effective and transformative. Through this practice, participants can achieve a more comprehensive sense of well-being, as they address both the physical and emotional aspects of tension and stress.

Empowering individuals on their wellness journeys.


How Can These Modalities Help You?

  • Reduce Stress & Anxiety: Release the tension and feel more at ease.
  • Improve Energy & Vitality: Restore balance and experience a renewed zest for life.
  • Enhance Emotional Well-being: Understand and process emotions to create lasting change.
  • Support Physical Health: Address aches, pains, or chronic conditions holistically.
  • Boost Mental Clarity & Focus: Clear mental fog and tap into your true potential.

Maya’s approach 
Through her unique blend of knowledge and experience, Maya aims to empower individuals on their wellness journeys, helping them achieve balance and holistic health by bridging the gap between ancient practices and modern science. Maya found herself captivated by quantum physics and chemistry but was ultimately searching for a deeper connection aligned with her passion for holistic health. Leaving her chemical engineering desk job, she dedicated her 20s to traveling and gaining qualifications in Yoga and Pilates. During this journey, she witnessed firsthand the benefits of these practices and became eager to integrate Eastern methodologies into the Western wellness paradigm. This passion led her to kinesiology, a field that combines both Western and Eastern medicine.

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